I think that Twitter can be useful in an education setting. Twitter could be something that could be used to teach because of how impactful social media is to our generation. Socially, Twitter could be used to teach about having an online presence and how your tweets can follow you. Further, learning about current events around the world. In an academic sense, Twitter would be like a forum, but a more abbreviated version. For instance, a professor may ask you to tweet your opinion about a political topic and reply to your classmate’s ideas. I personally have never used Twitter in a classroom setting. However, some of my classmates have told me that they have used Twitter in some of their language classes. The assignment asked students to make a Twitter account and post tweets once a week in French. Using Twitter allowed the professor to see everyone participating. This professor saw the advantage of using Twitter to post casual tweets and reply to other students status. Furthermore, Twitter provides a more convenient outlet for students rather than checking a discussion board.