In the reading, I found the fascinating part that ranting online leaves individuals angrier. I usually turn to the internet to rant about my life and how frustrating it can be. Also, the etiquette section of the reading describing how you should act towards others online. Asking someone if it is okay to post a picture has become a norm. Personally, this is done exceptionally heavily around my friend group. Usually, we will all approve the image, but it is kind to ask. Overall, I think it is humorous that an article like this has become necessary for individuals.

An internet check has become a common ground for companies. How someone portrays themselves online shows who a person is. The questions that the article displays show an amazing outline. The questions are perfect to ask yourself before posting a picture. This reminds me of individuals tweeting a statement and the tweet going viral. These tweets have the ability to run individuals lives. Justine Sacco tweeted before going on an airplane. The consequences changed her life. She lost her job and respect from people in her life. Situations like Justine’s is not uncommon, thats why I believe this social media etiquette is an essential lesson.

The discussion surrounding social media etiquette is not enough. Parents and teachers usually remind younger individuals about what you share online will stay there forever. However, youths sometimes forget about this critical statement. Posting online is taught through trial and error; you learn and get better as time passes. My older sisters taught me about my social media presence. They would approve my posts and tell me something was off base.

I have evolved massively through my online presence. I am part of the generation that grew up with social media. We had to learn about etiquette as we went along. Many individuals have shared that some things they have posted were not appropriate. Facebook was used to post my FarmVille requests and soccer pictures. Now, I rarely use Facebook; I only use Facebook to connect to my family members and learn about events happening within my friend groups. My Instagram page was changed remarkably, and I would post pictures that are not appropriate at all for my age. I would post pictures to look cool. This article reminded me of my history as an online user. I used social media for the wrong reasons, rather than just posting my life. It is easy to forget that social media is public to all, you believe that your followers are the only ones to see.